Report from our SpacePol Writing Workshop
We are delighted to share with you the report of our project mid-term conference, an academic workshop held at Ifea, Istanbul in May with SpacePol members that saught to work on our collective book through exchange of ideas, feedback and a fair amount of individual writing time.
The workshop offered a structured environment for idea generation, constructive feedback, brainstorming and collaborative writing. Moreover, everyone was encouraged to engage in the “game” of giving and receiving feedback, which proved to be incredibly productive. We thank wholeheartedly everyone who made it to Istanbul and those who followed online for their enthusiasm and energy. If the objectives had to do with advancing on our book, one of the most valuable results was the appreciation of everyone’s work and the collective engagement in a politics of care for each other: a real and diverse team working together.
We ended the workshop with a trip to Ankara led by professor (and proud Ankarali) Gülçin Erdi, an insightful visit that introduce those who came to the history, development and current urban issues that the Turkish capital face.
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Gülçin Erdi (30 septembre 2024). Report from our SpacePol Writing Workshop. ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse