International conference on post-disaster recovery and reconstruction: challenges and opportunities – 20 & 21 May

Professor Erdi, SpacePol director, organises alongside Mehmet Tayfur (ENSAS, IFEA) the International Conference on Post-Disaster Reconstruction which aims to shed light on post-earthquake reconstruction, focusing specifically on the city of Antakya/Hatay. This conference convenes academics in the field alongside international organizations like UNESCO, ICOMOS, UNDP, and the World Bank.

Through various case studies from different parts of the world, this scientific event will address the issue of reconstruction in a multidisciplinary framework, combining a technical dimension (seismology, geophysics, civil engineering, geology, earth sciences) and a social sciences perspective (architecture, sociology, anthropology, art history, archaeology, history, geography, economics, political science).

The conference will take place on May 20-21, 2024 at Galatasaray University and online, and is supported by IFEA, CITERES – Université de Tours, Galatasaray University -Toplumsal Araştırmalar Merkezi (TAM), Hungarian Cultural Centre-Istanbul, Swedish research institute istanbul, Netherlands Institute in Turkey.

In English and Turkish


Place : Galatasaray University, Aydın Doğan Auditorium, Çırağan Cad. No:36 Ortaköy / Beşiktaş/İstanbul

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Gülçin Erdi (2 mai 2024). International conference on post-disaster recovery and reconstruction: challenges and opportunities – 20 & 21 May. ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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