Prof Erdi’s article on Ankara in the latest UMIFRE magazine
Professor Erdi has contributed with a dossier on Ankara in the latest UMIFRE magazine: “Le centenaire d’une capitale : que reste-il de l’héritage moderniste et républicain de l’urbanisation d’Ankara ?”. You can access the article below:
The rest of the reading (in French) offers a glimpse on the rich work the UMIFREs engange with: “Resulting from a partnership between the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the CNRS, and the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, the UMIFRE Magazine provides an overview of the scientific work conducted in the French research institutes abroad. Its aim is to enhance awareness of the 27 research centers in humanities and social sciences that contribute to the expansion of French research worldwide, closely linked to study sites, sources, archives, and scientific communities working in the countries where they are located.” You can access the magazine here:
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Gülçin Erdi (17 janvier 2024). Prof Erdi’s article on Ankara in the latest UMIFRE magazine. ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse