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New Publication by Professor Savaş Zafer Şahin

Professor Savaş Zafer Şahin has just published an insightful analysis on participatory urban governance in Ankara through the case of the Ankara Citizens Council:

“One of the most pressing questions about resilience is how the initiatives formed by citizens living in cities will respond to the deepening crises both locally and globally. Although most of the solutions to many problems, such as the climate crisis, migration, population growth, polarization, and xenophobia, seem to emanate from the global north, new examples that have become visible with the contribution of developing technological possibilities show that the situation is different. In all corners of the world, ordinary citizens are showing the will to come together and collaborate to solve their problems, and they are making a difference.

This book has been written to present one of these examples in detail: the experience of democratic participation, sustainable development, and resilience in the capital of a country that has attracted attention in every period of history but has not been on the agenda with such examples. Founded in the Turkish capital Ankara in mid-2019, the Ankara Citizen Council has quickly transformed into an unprecedented democratic participation platform in the country and has become a globally recognized initiative. Describing this initiative will be seminal in demonstrating the potential of the global south and how good practices can emerge, where necessary, based on trust and human relations.

The book not only describes how the different age groups, segments of society, and vulnerable groups brought together by this successful example of participation came together and what they achieved but also explains the model of participation that was collectively developed for these purposes and its elements. The mistakes, shortcomings, and obstacles of the experience are also presented through self-criticism. The story of such an experience, ranging from art to design, solidarity to collaboration, urban problems to local politics, can hopefully be a source of inspiration for dedicated people living in another part of the world who may never have the chance to see Ankara but who would like to do something about participation.”

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Gülçin Erdi (22 décembre 2023). New Publication by Professor Savaş Zafer Şahin. ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse

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