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SpacePol present at the 8th Urban Studies Conference in Ankara

Our project director Prof. Gülçin Erdi and Prof. Savaş Zafer Şahin participated alongside Prof. Emrah Soylemez and Dr. Pınar Çobanyılmaz in the 8th Urban Studies Conference held in Ankara from the 22nd to the 24th of November. Organised within the framework of the Bienal of Urbanism celebrated from the 13 to the 26 of November. These events take place as Ankara continues to commemorate the centenary of its establishment as the capital of Turkey and the creation of the Turkish Republic.

The panel titled “Is It Still an (Un)established Capital?: Ankara “Becoming” Modern Turkey’s Capital at the Centenary” was a success, with more than one hundred people attending in person and many more online.

The panel also made the news! Please check the article (in Turkish) here: Anadolu Gazete

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Gülçin Erdi (24 novembre 2023). SpacePol present at the 8th Urban Studies Conference in Ankara. ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse

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