Screening of “Ankara la Républicaine” at Institut Français Ankara
It was a huge honour to screen our SpacePol film “Ankara la Républicaine” to a jam packed room at the Institut Français in Ankara. We had speaches from Madame l’Ambassadrice Isabelle Dumont and Sylvie Lemasson, Cooperation and Cultural Action Advisor and Director General of the Institut Français in Turkey. The screening was followed by a vivid exchange between film director Mina Saidi-Shahrouz, Gülçin Erdi, Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu and Zeki Kamil Ülkenli, and a great general discussion with the audience. Please see below the videos of the discussion and some photographs from the event. Thanks everyone for coming!

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Gülçin Erdi (8 novembre 2023). Screening of “Ankara la Républicaine” at Institut Français Ankara. ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse