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Screening of the SpacePol documentary “Ankara la républicaine” 31 Oct in Ankara

We will be screening the documentary “Ankara la républicaine” directed by SpacePol member and professor Mina Saidi-Shahrouz on Tuesday 31 October at the Institut Français d’Ankara. Join us!

“As part of the centenary celebration of the capital city and following the exhibition “Ankara: Artisans in a Changing City,” the French Institute of Turkey, in collaboration with IFEA, invites you to a screening followed by a discussion on the urban transformation of Ankara.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023, at 7:30 PM
Free admission with registration
Film: “Ankara la républicaine”
53′ | 2023 | Film subtitled in French and Turkish | Director: Mina Saidi-Shahrouz | Featuring Gülçin Erdi | Cinematography: Ehsan Amidian | Editing: Amam Fouladvand | Production: RELIEF

As Ankara approaches its hundredth anniversary as the capital, this documentary paints a portrait of Ankara, its representations, and its urban transformations, drawing from the work of researchers from the international research program SPACEPOL (SPACE AND POLITICS IN THE CAPITAL CITY), coordinated by Gülçin ERDI.


Mina Saidi-Shahrouz, Gülçin Erdi, Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu, and Zeki Kamil Ülkenli will discuss the transformation of Ankara.

The speakers will present in French with translation into Turkish.”

For more information (in French) and to sign up click here.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Gülçin Erdi (14 octobre 2023). Screening of the SpacePol documentary “Ankara la républicaine” 31 Oct in Ankara. ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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