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Kick-off meeting (24-26 January 2022)


24 January 2022

9.00       Welcome Coffee

9.30       Welcome Speech – Gülçin Erdi

9.45       Presentation of the team: institutional partners and members of the team

10.30     Presentation of the project

Objectives, Research themes, Tasks, deliverables, etc.

11.30     Collective discussion

12.30     Lunch

14.00     Presentation of the methodology

Discussion on the elaboration of a shared methodology

Elaboration of an Analysis Grid

Discussion on the scientific responsibilities in the project: who wil be  in charge of which task?

17.00     End of the day

19.30     Collective Diner (Restaurant)

25 January 2022

9.30       Welcome Coffee

10.00     Presentation of Capitals chosen for the research programme (Chaque “capital team” present the city in its social, economic, cultural and urbanistic aspects with a short historical background on its “capitalisation” and urbanisation)

Collective discussion on the particularities, similarities and the comparability of these capitals. How to establish a common way of analysing these cities? Which research indicators? Interesting points to excavate etc.

12.30     Lunch

14.00     Presentation of potential case cities in each capital: Who will work on what task ?

              Collective discussion on the propositions of each member

How do the case studies contribute to the research themes of the project?

What do they bring as data to develop a general analysis on capital cities, space and power?

17.00     End of the day

19.30     Collective diner

26 January 2022 : Seminar on the use of audio-visual methods in social science research (Not compulsory in the afternoon)

9.00       Welcome coffee

9.30       Presentation of the documentary film project by Mina Saïdi, associate professor, UMR LAVUE, film maker.

10.00     Presentation of “Return Experience” from 2 researchers

– Rouba Kaedbey, PhD student in UMR CITERES

– Nadine Michau, Associate professor in sociology, University of Tours

11.30 Jean-Philippe Corbellini, Voice engineer, MSH Val de Loire Technical and sound issues when filming on the field

Collective discussion

12.30     Lunch on place

13.30     Working Studio on the realisation of short videos around a topic (work in group)

Presentation and Guiding by Rouba Kaedbey & Jean-Philippe Corbellini

16.30     Discussion on the videos realised by each group

18.00     End of the day


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
MH (1 février 2022). Kick-off meeting (24-26 January 2022). ANR SPACEPOL. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse

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